We are of the Elohim class of high frequency beings comes to be with you, to guide you, and to love, honor and cherish you at this time.
Today we salute you in joy and grace for all that is and all that is becoming now - in your earthly timeline.
The turning of the ages is at hand. You know this. You feel this.
This turning is pre-ordained and is independent of the goings on of planet earth - your beloved home in your incarnation.
You are all magnificent spirits who are embodied on planet earth at this time and you feel it the marrow of your bones, and in your rapidly activating DNA light codes that the timing and purpose of your incarnation is at hand.
The new birth is imminent.
We advise you to be prepared.
Practically, it is a good time to have stores for several months of food and water and supplies. No need to be fearful about this - just common sense to have supplies on hand for any emergency: blizzards, storms, outages, etc. If you think emergencies cannot happen to you, just look at global news headlines from everywhere. Mother Earth is shifting her contours to raise her vibration. Be prepared for a few bumpity bumps along the way.
Travel lightly now - continue to toss our old baggage of every color, description and nuance. It will not serve you in the coming times, and will only hold you back in a slower vibration.
Honor the many tools and systems and messengers that are bringing these rapid clearing tools to you at this time. Utilize these tools now.
Be joyful in your letting go.
More at "The Flower Garden of Life"
Be joyful in your abundance in so many categories: friends, spiritual knowledge, access to wisdom teachers, material support, food, shelter - in whatever dimensions you wish to count them.
Hunker down now with Love. Know that the beautiful high frequency vibration of LOVE is your greatest assurance for going through the doorway into new times, new frequencies, new modalities.
As you release and let go all that has been, you can try this time-honored technique: For every memory, every object, every person, every event, release it back into the limitless light by saying something along these lines:
1. I love you.
2. Thank you for your gift.
3. I forgive* and let go.
(*In this context, forgive means dissolving the old bonds - it does not imply right or wrong - see the encoded meditation as a free audio download for subscribers at http://ILoveForGIVEness.com )
We are with you. Always. Call upon us. We are here to be of service in this great magnificent journey of all journeys.
With every increasing Love,
We are,
The Elohim class and The Angels of ForGIVEness - entering your dimension through the portal of Lake Titicaca in Peru.
This revealed story is excerpted from our 8 Chakra course over light by Archangel Michael. Shares are with permission of course participants. The current class is closed. Updates on the next class opening can be gotten by subscribing at
The Story of the Golden Deer
By Pat Crosby
Here is the mountains, it is easy to remember ORANGE. It is hunting season, and orange is the color of safety and protection. Orange is everywhere, I do not venture outside without my orange safety vest and bright orange hat.
Being hunting season, I have plenty of reminders when I hear the shotguns going off in the woods about the balance of life and death.
The 2nd chakra deals with creating life in the great wheel of all that is. The releasing of the life force from our physical forms is part of this great cosmic cycle.
It is said that when you can hold your hands up to welcome and receive the golden light of spirit as the time of leaving your form arrives, you have achieved much in your spiritual journey.
Every time I hear a hunter's shotgun go off, I think of my time in the future to receivethe golden light, and leave this physical form. I rehearse consciously dying in my mind.
This simple exercise reminds me of the transient beauty of life in physical form, and reminds me to stay grateful for every moment experiencing life on planet earth, and to make the most of it and to not waste it.
One night, as I was walking on a road in the country, my guides said very distinctly: "Get away from the road RIGHT NOW and watch. You will learn something."
I sprinted into the shadow of some bushes.
In a moment, I heard a lout SMACK, as a truck of some kind roared down the road at high speed.
When the truck disappeared into the night, I walked back to the road to find a female deer lying along the shoulder, breathing heavily. Clearly she was about to leave her form.
Then I saw an ethereal herd of golden deer come from another dimension, led by the King of Deers. The herd gathered around her dying physical form as her golden lightform emerged from the form by the side of the road.
When her golden light form was totally freed from the dying physical form, she was embraced into the herd of golden light being deer, and they sped off into another dimension, and out of my earthly sight.
I hold and treasure this image in my mind for the beauty of dying when the time is ripe.
Share by Reverend Sidney Curry, New York on what this 8 chakra course is meaning for him and his upcoming departure from this world.